Claims Submission Process

Step 1: Claims Preparation and Submission

  1. Gather your expense receipts.
  2. Login to (use this link to be taken to the online claims entry right from the login process)
  3. If you scan your expense receipts into your computer, you’ll be able to upload them into the claim form for a complete online process
  4. If you cannot scan your expense receipts into your computer, you can print out your online claim form and use it as either a Fax, or USPS Mailing coversheet. Instructions will be provided during the claims entry process.

Fax Claim coversheet and receipts - Toll-Free 1.888.265.2144
Mail Claim coversheet and receipts - BAS, PO Box 62407, King of Prussia, PA 19406

  • You will need to provide receipts/invoices for each expense you are claiming
  • Sign your claim form if sending in via Fax or Mail
  • Keep copies of all documents you submit

Step 2: Processing & Pending

We will provide confirmation of your claims submission and processing, as follows:

Email Confirmations Provided when Using Online Claims Entry Application
Email Confirmation Online Receipts Uploaded Submission Faxed to BAS with Receipts Submission Mailed to BAS with Receipts
Sent Upon Receipt of Your Submission Yes Yes No
Sent Upon BAS Processing Your Submission Yes Yes Yes

Step 3: Payment & Notification

Each week we release pended claims approved for payment, simultaneously, we will send you hard copy an explanation of payment which confirms payment has been made via paper check or direct deposit (per your election).